Over the past three years Fleckney Duckpond Players have been fortunate to have received grants from Tesco and The Cooperative Socety. These grants have helped to to upgrade our sound and lighting systems. We have also held fundraising quizzes and a Murder Mystery Night and the money raised from these went towards the upgrading of our technical equipment.
Over the past twenty five years Fleckney Duckpond Players have become an integral and well respected part of the village community. We have made donations to support other local groups including Fleckney Village Hall, Fleckney Community Library, Peter Pan Playgroup, Rainbows, Fleckney Scouts and Fleckney Kitten Club.
On Friday August 30th 2024 we are hosting a Murder Mystery for Glen Gorse Golf Club for more details please contact the Golf Club at enquiries@glengorsegolfclub.co.uk

How You Can Support Us:
Easyfundraising is a great way of supporting us when you shop online. It’s so easy, you wouldn’t even know that you’re doing it! All you need to do is register via the website or download the app on a smart device and set us as your chosen charity (The Duckpond Players).
To start your Easyfundraising journey and to find out more information please click the link below
If you have any questions about it or if you're not sure how to use it, send us a message on Facebook or email us at info@theduckpondplayers.co.uk, and we will be happy to help you.